Sunday, July 8, 2012

Still roaming around Europe...

Well! I just noticed today that it has almost been a full two months since I've posted anything, so I thought it might be a nice idea to write a bit o' something to keep this blog alive! In lieu of writing a la paragraphs, here's a play-by-play of what I've been up to in the past few months since I've posted last:

mid- to late-May: spent two weeks in Paris learning how to manage a restaurant while couchsurfing, making new friends, seeing old ones, and biking around just about everywhere in Paris, checking out food markets, patisseries, cafes, and parks

early June: headed to Berlin for a few days to spend with Will; busked for another time on the U-Bahn, then head back to Munich for a week

mid-June to early-July: met up with Wren, Kimmi, and Kevyn (friends from Pittsburgh) in Newcastle, England and traveled through norethern England and Ireland via rental car. Went to a beer festival outside Newcastle the first night, saw the Lake District for three days while couchsurfing with a Slovenian family, drove down to Wales to take the ferry to Dublin, met up with a friend from Cologne in Dublin, drove to the west coast (Galway, Killarney, Dingle, Beara Peninsula) for four or five days. Kim and Kev went home from there and Wren and I continued on to Holland and Belgium, seeing Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Brugges, Gent, and Brussels.

early-July: visited friends in Goettingen, Hamburg, Rostock, and am now sitting in Berlin hanging with Will.

Imminent plans: flying to Istanbul with my bike and Will to bike back to Munich through former Yugoslavia over the course of six weeks!