Saturday, July 14, 2012

Biking through the Balkans

Well, I had been planning on writing a blog post about my traveling around England, Ireland, Holland, and Belgium with friends of mine from Pittsburgh, but instead ran out of time and will be leaving for yet another epic adventure, biking from Istanbul to Munich, over the next six weeks. My best mate Will and I have set up a blog especially for the occasion, so we'll be posting our stories during that time. Here's our blog:


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Still roaming around Europe...

Well! I just noticed today that it has almost been a full two months since I've posted anything, so I thought it might be a nice idea to write a bit o' something to keep this blog alive! In lieu of writing a la paragraphs, here's a play-by-play of what I've been up to in the past few months since I've posted last:

mid- to late-May: spent two weeks in Paris learning how to manage a restaurant while couchsurfing, making new friends, seeing old ones, and biking around just about everywhere in Paris, checking out food markets, patisseries, cafes, and parks

early June: headed to Berlin for a few days to spend with Will; busked for another time on the U-Bahn, then head back to Munich for a week

mid-June to early-July: met up with Wren, Kimmi, and Kevyn (friends from Pittsburgh) in Newcastle, England and traveled through norethern England and Ireland via rental car. Went to a beer festival outside Newcastle the first night, saw the Lake District for three days while couchsurfing with a Slovenian family, drove down to Wales to take the ferry to Dublin, met up with a friend from Cologne in Dublin, drove to the west coast (Galway, Killarney, Dingle, Beara Peninsula) for four or five days. Kim and Kev went home from there and Wren and I continued on to Holland and Belgium, seeing Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Brugges, Gent, and Brussels.

early-July: visited friends in Goettingen, Hamburg, Rostock, and am now sitting in Berlin hanging with Will.

Imminent plans: flying to Istanbul with my bike and Will to bike back to Munich through former Yugoslavia over the course of six weeks!