Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guitars, Wine, and Snow!

So per the promise I made to myself a couple of weeks ago to write something every week, here we go! This is basically just an update post about what's been going down in Munich the past week - more food philosophy to come soon! I need to do some musing....and eating first! 

On one hand, this was a quiet week, but on another busy and fun. It started with me having a Australian couchsurfer stay for three days (Mon - Thur), and is ending with me hosting a dinner tonight with Fulbright friends. 

It was nice having Dmitry (the Aussie) over for a few days. I'm starting to realize how much more I prefer hosting CSers (couchsurfers) for at least a few nights, as that means I get to actually know them rather than just provide them with shelter for one night. He is currently on his first trip around Europe, and I was lucky enough to show him Munich. On Monday we visited the Turkish supermarkets for delicious, cheap food which we cooked later that night (mmmmmmmmm hummus!). Tuesday I went to uni during the day while we checked out the city center, and then we met up with my Swiss friend Michael for bouldering (basically rock climbing without ropes) that night. This is something I'd really like to do well in, as it really works out your upper body, something which I never do. Would complement running perfectly. On Wednesday, I invited a bunch of friends over for a beer tasting evening, sampling three beers I brought back from the States to show how good American craft beer can be: Penn Brewery's St. Nikolaus Bock, Treog's Mad Elf, and Southern Tier's Pumking. It was a good representation of not only how American brewers can skillfully brew in the tradition of other countries (St. Nikolous), but also of the crazy imagination and experimentation of American microbreweries (Mad Elf and Pumking). Thursday morn, Dmitry left early.

Thursday was a quiet eve, cooking curry with my roommates and then watching Mary Poppins. Had been so long since I've seen it that I've forgotten how great it is! Yesterday - Friday - I went to my friend Daniel's pad for a wine tasting eve. He had bought five or six different kinds, coupled with some delicious treats that he cooked up (quiche and homemade shrimp ravioli for instance!). We then went dancing till the early hours of the morn, and I didn't get home till six. But to my amazement, it had been snowing all the while Friday evening, and so by the time I got home there was a good layering, the giant snowflakes that were floating down from the heavens accumulating nicely. By this morning, I was amazed at how much snow was sticking to the trees, roofs, and streets, and went on a run to document the beauty! 

Tonight should be another fun evening, shopping and cooking dinner with friends. Since I've been back from the States (was there over Christmas), I've been playing my acoustic guitar heaps (I always brought it back with me), something I haven't done regularly in over a year. I'd really like to be able to play well, so play I shall. And now that I have no inhibitions singing as well, it's even more fun!